An educational and performance experience for those aspiring and emerging speakers who are ready to take ACTION and elevate their speaking abilities and experience to the next stage.
The Virtual Summit Showcase will include six (6) weekly training sessions to prepare you to speak/perform at a virtual summit. The 7th week will be a virtual summit where you’ll deliver your message via recorded video and be available for a live Q&A session on the Summit day.
Weekly sessions will be recorded and available for those who can't attend the live sessions
This is a showcase summit where everything will be carried out like a real summit, with the exception of a large, live audience. While we will promote the summit, we’ll train and count on our participants to promote the event as well. The objective of this program is to prepare you and give you the summit experience so you’ll be prepared to begin applying for and speaking at real virtual summits at the conclusion of the showcase program. There is no expectation of commercial summit success, only summit experience preparing you for other real world summit experiences.
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